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When a crisis strikes, you need to be able to react quickly and communicate confidently in order to protect your reputation, your business and your clients. This 2-Day Crisis Communications & Media Training Workshop is an intense, in-person training course, aimed at Senior and Executive level management. The workshop will prepare your management team and company spokespersons to succeed in delivering credible, effective and persuasive interviews, under the most intense emergency and crisis scenarios. Participants will learn from real world journalists and reporters, key interview strategies, techniques and tactical skills that help to deliver focused, confident and critical messages, regardless of prior public speaking or media interview experience.  



Whether you just have some good company news to share or have a serious issue to explain, communicating your key messages clearly, concisely and confidently is a critical skill to have in today's media centric world. Whether you are a seasoned media expert or preparing for your first media interview, we can help you to ensure that you get it right the first time. Our training will help you to handle the media with confidence and poise and empower you with the skills that you need to work effectively with reporters and journalists. We will teach you how to prepare your talking points, know your audience, prepare your key messages, look presentable on camera and to deal with those awkward questions from the floor. Our media interview training will ensure that your messages resonate with your audience every time.


"Media training has never
been this important"

In today's world of social media and 24/7 breaking news, companies can no longer hide from the constant glare of public attention. Knowing how to handle the media is vital to managing your reputation and public perception. Media interview training is therefore critical for anyone who is going to speak with reporters, journalists, talk show hosts or TV presenters. At Artemis Consulting, we deliver tailored media and communications training, whether in a one to one session or working in a small supportive group. Our media training is delivered by seasoned communications experts, journalists and experienced media trainers, ensuring that you are just as good at promoting your successes as you are at managing your challenges.



Accessing practical and convenient media training can be very difficult these days, especially with hectic schedules and competing priorities. As a result we've created a remote media training course that closely replicates our face-to-face classes. This critical skill can now be developed in your own home or office and in some cases, at your own pace. Our online media training is comprised of short sessions with small groups, and delivers the same practical media interview tips and techniques. You will interact with our trainers via Zoom or other online platform, and will complete tests, activities and exercises online. You will participate in realistic media interview scenarios and review playback for analysis and feedback afterwards. You may choose to attend one of our open, virtual courses or we can tailor training for your organization's specific needs. 


Virtually all industries today are in need of impactful, accessible and affordable online learning solutions to upskill their workforce by supplementing and in some cases, supplanting traditional teaching modes. Our animated training videos significantly improves understanding, memory retention and learning. Our animated videos and online learning platform means there’s no limit to where or when employees can access their training. Our instructional design team will work closely with you to transform your training material into flexible, affordable and dynamic video that makes online learning enjoyable and engaging, especially when compared to still imagery, slides or illustrations. Our animated training solutions can easily track learner progress and performance and ensures consistency of learning and can be easily expanded to include advanced modules and material.




Top-performing CEOs know that strong communication skills are critical to lasting influence and success. They understand that excellent communications skills are a must if they are to inspire, lead and persuade. But not all CEOs are natural spokespersons. Thankfully we can help. Our one-to-one executive level media coaching can help even the most nervous CEO to feel at home with the media and to deliver messages credibly and confidently. Our in-person coaching is highly interactive and heavily tailored to the communication style that suits you best. We achieve this through a lot of discussion, challenging questions, numerous simulated media interviews and playback analysis.  We start with an overview of your organization and your target audiences, and then help you to tailor your messages and communications style accordingly by analyzing your messages, reviewing your choice of words, your tone and your body language, in order to ensure that you resonate with your audience. Our aim is to ensure that you are comfortable and confident every time you step in front of a camera.



The first step to managing any crisis effectively, is to have a pre-prepared plan in place. Once we have helped you to develop your strategy, communication documents and crisis communications plan, our trainers will then take you through the process of familiarizing and training your crisis communications team and your staff in how to manage and execute the plan during an emergency or crisis. This will include emergency and crisis situation simulations, as well as an explanation of the various roles and responsibilities of each individual. Our aim is to ensure that your crisis communications team and staff are fully versed on the plan and can execute when called upon. This training component of the crisis communications plan is the culminating activity meant to confirm that your crisis response team is fully conversant with the requirements of the plan. In addition to the provisions and guidelines of your crisis communications plan, you will also learn how to handle a potential emergency or crisis, how to identify your main spokespersons, and how to develop Q&As, Media Response Lines, and Talking Points for potential media interviews around your most likely crises. 


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